Leave your car at home and come join us at Kolegiacki Square, where we’ll take over a parking lot and turn it into a space for people. The second edition of Park(ing) Day Poznań with Malta Generator will take place on 19th September 2014!
Park(ing) Day is an annual event that takes place each third Friday of September. On that day people from all over the word meet in their cities to transform parking lots into more human-friendly spaces. These peaceful manifestations intend to remind that the most important part of a public space is people. In 2013 we organised the first Park(ing) Day in Poznań. This year the arrangement plan was created during Malta Festival Poznań, as a result of an interdisciplinary workshops conducted by five architecture studios: Front Architects, Ultra Architects, Trabendo., UGO architecture, Atelier Starzak Strebicki and Paweł Grobelny. A professional jury chose the winning project prepared by a group of students: Maria Dondajewska, Anna Ptaszyńska and Maria Wrońska guided by Hugon Kowalski from UGO architecture studio.
ALE ODLOT! (Take-off) is an arrangement plan invoking an event from exactly 231 years before, when on the 19th September 1783 the French Versailles became a place of the first crewed hot air balloon flight. The crew of the balloon consisted of a goat, a duck and a rooster. To commemorate this anniversary, the young architects proposed a whole-day project in the air of 18th century Versailles. Their proposal is aimed at various age groups throughout the whole day, but the main audience will be kids, who tend to be the most neglected group among public space users. At the same time they are the ones who stimulate and bring together all the other social groups. That is why we prepared numerous attractions for the youngest participants – the main theme of which will be the animal crew on the first hot air balloon flight. Finally, the space would be rearranged so that all the guests, the older as well as the young, could meet by the common table and enjoy a genuine French treat.
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