X.Humacja [X.Humation] is a thorough analysis of the emotions and attitudes that accompany the process of becoming aware that two hostile nations who speak the same language are living side by side. According to the authors, “X.humacja is an attempt to relive a time of dignity and of contempt, a time of dispute about the narrative.” Without seeking to become involved in a multidimensional psychosociological analysis, the performance consists of image flashbacks that align into a retrospective kaleidoscope of the present-day Polish dispute, and are also a commentary to reality.
The company Radykalna Frakcja Medialna Mazut (R.F.M. Mazut) was founded in 1993, by architect Paweł Hałaburdzin and psychologist Roman Andrzejewski. They operate within the field of alternative theatre and annex a variety of confined, postindustrial or urban spaces for their projects, in addition to traditional theatre stages. Their work is based on the analysis of paranoia and pathology in everyday life. At present, the company works in an old residential building at 11 Gwarna Street, under the Republika Sztuki Tłusta Langusta project. It shares this venue with three other theatre companies: Republika Usta Usta, Circus Ferus and Teatr Porywacze Ciał.