from the Everyday Alternatives series
Eco_logic is a multidisciplinary workshop conducted under the nationwide project Woda nas uwodzi [Water Woos Us]. Every living creature on earth needs water to survive. What is the quality of our water and how can we take care of it? The project was initiated by Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych „Źródła" [“Sources” Centre for Ecological Activities], which for two decades has been involved in small-scale environmental activities, animal protection and natural education. The workshop will be conducted by Zofia Michalik, an animator, environmental educator and student at Szkoła Trenerów dla Dobrego Klimatu [School of Trainers for Good Climate] run by Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot [Laboratory for All Beings] in the village of Bystra near Bielsko- Biała.
workshops about water
15:00-16.30 (for children aged 7-12)
17:00-18.30 (for teenagers aged 13-17)